Unlocking Renewable Energy Sources for Small Businesses in Central Mississippi

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has implemented several programs and initiatives to help small businesses in Central Mississippi access renewable energy sources. These include the Center for Corporate Climate Leadership, the Green for All Business Council

Unlocking Renewable Energy Sources for Small Businesses in Central Mississippi

The United States is making strides towards energy independence by increasing the private sector's supply of renewable energy and decreasing energy demand. To achieve this, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has implemented several programs and initiatives to help small businesses in Central Mississippi access renewable energy sources. These include the Center for Corporate Climate Leadership, the Green for All Business Council, and the Landfill Methane Outreach Program. The Center for Corporate Climate Leadership is a resource center that provides guidance on how to reduce emissions and increase renewable energy use.

It helps organizations measure and manage their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The Green for All Business Council is a board of black and brown CEOs who are at the forefront of clean energy and environmental advocacy. They work with companies to ensure they make equitable commitments to renewable energy. The Landfill Methane Outreach Program is a voluntary assistance program that helps reduce methane emissions from landfills by encouraging the recovery and beneficial use of landfill gas as a renewable energy resource.

In addition, several states have expanded their policies to incorporate additional resources in recent years. These include landfill gas, animal waste, the combination of heat and electricity, and even energy efficiency. For example, Hawaii's Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) includes solar, wind, biomass, geothermal energy, as well as energy produced by falling water, ocean water, waves and water currents. Ana Medina, Director of Lean Manufacturing for Hexcel Corporation and Senior Director of Andersen Consulting (Accenture), has a deep understanding of the wants, needs and challenges of marginalized communities in Central California.

She has organized the first SBA SCORE training in Spanish, “Simple Steps En Español”, which is now being replicated in other parts of the state. Geri Gray leads the Green for All Business Council and works with Climate Pledge companies to ensure they make more equitable commitments to renewable energy. Lauren Keane is a student at California State University, Chico specializing in Business Entrepreneurship and Marketing. These programs and initiatives are helping small businesses in Central Mississippi access renewable energy sources.

By closing opportunity gaps, empowering business leaders from BIPOC communities, and providing resources for organizations seeking to expand their work in GHG measurement and management, these programs are helping create a more sustainable future.

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